Monday, March 8, 2010

Chapter 1?

"So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this wolrd just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground?
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
Cause I just want to be happy.."

Somehow I find myself feeling incredibly lost again. Zilele trec,din nou,pe langa mine si simt doar ca imi fuge pamantul de sub picioare, ca inlauntrul meu se lupta constant deznadejdea si ambitia, incerc sa perseverez si parca totusi nimic din ceea ce fac nu pare a fi suficient. Nu sper la un triumf fara lupta, nu astept un miracol divin, ma intreb doar daca eforturile pe care le fac acum vor fi suficiente...
Visez la un nou inceput, pe mai multe planuri, dar nu stiu daca va fi posibil.
I've finally given up on a ghost that has inexplicably haunted and confused me for so long and I will never understand why. We never had a closure, or maybe we had too many...
Everything I've left behind seems now meaningless, I'm moving forward and I don't know which way it's gonna go this time. All I know is that you make me smile. Does anything else matter?
I am afraid to anticipate, to create enormous expectations, this time I just want to take things the way they are, live in the moment. Fear will probably never leave my side, but I know how to live with it and I'm hoping that things will change, slowly,but surely.
Sunt constienta ca nimic nu e simplu, vreau sa vindec rana pe care mi-a lasat-o esecul din trecut, nu sunt dispusa sa ingrop din nou un vis, de aceea sunt astazi atat de plina de speranta, dar speriata in acelasi timp. Imi doresc cu adevarat sa las in urma intunericul care m-a stapanit prea multa vreme si stiu ca am facut deja un pas in fata,ca am inceput un nou capitol si sper ca, o data cu aceasta schimbare, sa pot lupta si pentru scopul pe care imi doresc de atat de mult timp sa il ating...

Am I greedy? A fost o perioada in care am simtit ca am pierdut atat de mult si imi doresc acum sa indrept tot ce a fost atunci gresit. Vreau poate sa obtin prea multe dintr-o data? I don't know anymore, all I know is that somehow I feel it's time for me to achieve what I've been wanting to achieve and I am willing to pay the price, to make the efforts. I don't care if I'll get hurt, I just want to be happy first...

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